Larissa Manoela no King em Dobro
Burger King
A millionaire actress made headlines because of a family scandal envolving money and Burger King brought her to talk about the best deal of the year. And my job was to help increase the buzz of the tv campaign on social media.
The TV ad, made by other creative team, was a hit and gathered more than 2 million views on Youtube.
But the campaign needeed engaging social media content aswell.
My job: social media content



One of Larissa's most famous meme is an interview she did when she was fourteen. A lot of the quotes are still use until this day and we gave the ideia to recreate the video with a Burger King twist. This video became the most watched content of the campaign on social media, reaching 8 million people organically only on TikTok.
Check out my behind the scenes for this project

Content Agency: A-Lab Content Lovers
Creative Director: Rafael Conde
ACD: Ana bartolomeu
Redatora: Carolina Barreiros
Diretora de arte: Andriele Bazilio,
Community Manager: Debora Araujo, Laíse Neves
Year: 2023​
Offline Campaign: David